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Elevation Station Math Games

Who doesn’t love Math Games?

We believe developing procedural fluency should be engaging, fun, and intentional. These games have been crafted to provide students with a flexible environment that opens the door for strategic thinking and mathematical discourse and provides the opportunity to build procedural fluency from conceptual understanding.

RISE Career and Math Mini-Lessons

Math is hard, you say?

RISE Mini-Lessons flip that narrative and bring intrigue. Our mini-lessons help students develop an interest in math by providing the opportunity to explore career possibilities and experience how math plays a vital role in the world around them. Imagine your students engaging in discourse that advances their mathematical abilities while promoting a positive and expanded outlook on how math is an integral part of a variety of career fields.

Peak PBL

“When will I ever use this math?”

Peak PBL has it covered. Students experience math within a career setting which promotes an expanded outlook on the usefulness of mathematics. In turn, this provides students an opportunity to further build a positive math identity by seeing themselves as capable, belonging, and with a sense of purpose. Through the use of authentic career tasks, students explore math in a meaningful and connected manner allowing them to see themselves as a ‘math person’.

Summer Elevation

Summer Elevation takes supplemental support to the next level.

These materials focus on important mathematical concepts that set students up for success as they advance mathematically and refine their problem-solving skills. Complete with instructional routines, language objectives, and opportunity for mathematical student discourse.

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