Emerald Education Rise mini-lessons flip the narrative from “Math is hard,” to “Wow, I am a math person!” by providing a positive and expanded outlook on how math is an integral part of a variety of career fields.
Flexible adopted curriculum supplement, summer program
Integrated reading, writing, speaking, and listening literacy skills
Lessons include facilitation guides and PPT decks
Embedded formative assessment
Based on the Math-in-CTE pedagogic framework
Utilizes the Launch, Explore, Discuss model
Bridges the language of math and careers
Explore math in career settings with authentic tasks
Emerald Education Rise Career and Math mini-lessons allow students the opportunity to experience math within a career setting and not independent of it. Through the use of authentic career tasks, students explore math in a meaningful and connected manner, thus allowing them to see themselves as “math people.” This provides students a chance to further build a positive math identity by seeing themselves as capable, belonging, and with a sense of purpose.
You might be wondering how Rise mini-lessons stand out from other programs.
The materials were crafted with a focus on supporting teachers, as research has shown teachers to have the most impact on student learning. The teacher facilitation guide provides support with timing, questioning, and facilitation using the Launch, Explore, Discuss model. Teaching materials include handouts, presentation slide decks, and formative assessments in the form of probing questions and checks for understanding.
Rise mini-lessons assist teachers in filling the need for career exploration in the middle school environment and help teachers and students answer the question: “When will I ever use this math?”
The Rise mini-lessons closely adhere to the Math-in-CTE pedagogic framework from the National Research Center for Career and Technical Education (NRCCTE), which indicates exploration must occur prior to formalization. We use a Launch, Explore, Discuss method that allows students to explore what a task is about, understand a career context in which it is situated, and use mathematical concepts and strategies to solve.
The Rise mini-lessons offer the possibility for students to understand how integral and important math is in the world around them. It’s a powerful experience for students to bridge the language of math and careers in order to see the world as connected and consider how they fit into this picture.
Students use the language of math in combination with the language of careers to engage in mathematical discourse, strategy selection, problem-solving, and comparing and connecting solution methods. They have the opportunity to explore an authentic CTE task, first by determining what the task is about and then immediately diving into a specific job within a career pathway related to the task. Students work independently and collaboratively on mathematical solutions situated within the job scenario embedded in the task.
Learning math is meaningful and engaging, which research suggests is integral to the long-term success of students as they move into more advanced coursework.
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Emerald Education, Inc. (EE) is a women-owned minority business based in Asheville, North Carolina and serves the entire U.S.