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What Clients Have to Say

Denver Public Schools

Emerald Education Testimonials - Denver Public Schools

The professional learning experience with Emerald Ed has been a success in DPS and our participating teachers have learned about supporting students’ conceptual understanding of mathematics while supporting growth in procedural fluency. We also renewed our contract with them to include the next two summers.”

Denver Public Schools, Curriculum & Instruction Administrator

Surry County Schools

Emerald Education Testimonials - Surry County Schools

. . . contracted with Emerald Education to provide district wide mathematics professional learning. We have been extremely pleased with the quality of the professional learning . . . additionally, we have purchased and implemented some of EE’s products and in conjunction with the professional learning have helped us improve student achievement.”

Surry County Schools, Curriculum & Instruction Administrator

Chicago Public Schools

Emerald Education Testimonials - Chicago Public Schools
The perception data collected through surveys and feedback from session participants was overwhelmingly positive throughout the on-going partnership between Emerald Education and CPS. Teachers felt more confident with implementing the new math curriculum and increased their own math content knowledge. Most importantly, they have learned new ways to teach mathematics to reach all students, which leads to more positive student outcomes.”

Chicago Public Schools, Professional Learning Manager

Envision Science Academy

Emerald Education Testimonials - Envision Science Academy

The games easily allow for longer “play” sessions that maintain student engagement and enhance critical thinking. Each is very comprehensive – complete with directions, intended outcomes, discussion starters, and progress monitoring charts. Our kids are always excited when they know our lesson includes an Elevation Station Math Game.”

Envision Science Academy, Math Specialist

West Edgecombe Middle School

We are so excited to launch math games at West Edgecombe Middle School in partnership with Emerald Education. After spending the first semester focusing on building students’ number sense through a conceptual approach to teaching mathematics, we are confident these math games will sharpen skills and deepen understanding… We know our students will love these games because 100% of our staff members loved playing them, thriving on the engaging elements, bright colors and the aspects of collaboration within each game.” 

Dr. Kelsey M. Ballard, Principal

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